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Paperback specs:
Dimensions: 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 x .600
Net Weight: 11 ounces
Paperback: 203 Pages
Publisher: Blazing Grace Publishing
Published: July 2013
ISBN: 978-09787756-9-8
EAN: 978-0-9787756-0-5
Printed in USA
100 Days on the Road to Grace offers 100 daily readings that include:
- The path to freedom from porn and sexual addiction.
- Keys to rebuilding your character.
- Coping with emotions such as anger, depression, and fear.
- Rebuilding trust and bringing healing to your marriage and family.
- Bitterness and forgiveness.
- Breaking the bondage of self.
- Spiritual Warfare.
- Revitalizing the relationship with God.
- Living a life that counts for eternity
…and much more.
If you’re hungry for God and want more than just freedom from sexual sin, this book is for you.
Following is the table of contents for Mike Genung’s 2nd book 100 Days on the Road to Grace; a Devotional for the Sexually Broken. This is a series of 100 daily readings for the struggler with porn and sexual addiction. Links to samples are included.
1 | There is Hope | 51 | The Christian Pharisee |
2 | No Compromise | 52 | Fear |
3 | War | 53 | From Fantasy to Reality |
4 | Wait on the Lord | 54 | Rest |
5 | Rebuilding Trust, Part 1 | 55 | Enjoy the Wife of Your Youth |
6 | Our Greatest Need | 56 | Fighting the Pull |
7 | What Do You Believe? | 57 | The Most Important Relationship |
8 | The Call to Courage | 58 | Growing Strong |
9 | Collateral Damage | 59 | Depression |
10 | A Prayer of Power | 60 | Stand Firm |
11 | Faces of Isolation | 61 | The P Word |
12 | God Doesn’t Need You in Ministry | 62 | Surrender |
13 | The Gift of Humility | 63 | Sick of Self? |
14 | The Incredible Love of God | 64 | Priorities |
15 | No More Justification | 65 | God, Where Were You? Part 1 |
16 | Rebuilding Trust, Part 2 | 66 | God, Where Were You? Part 2 |
17 | The Blessing of a Good Friend | 67 | When You’re Afraid You’ve Fallen Too Far |
18 | Encountering God | 68 | Look Up |
19 | Persevering Prayer | 69 | Anger |
20 | Is Sex the Source of Life? | 70 | Receiving Forgiveness |
21 | The Problem with Success | 71 | Growing in Humility |
22 | The Power of a Lie | 72 | Surrounded by Grace |
23 | The Power of the Truth | 73 | Have Fun! |
24 | Cut to Heal | 74 | Listening to God |
25 | Learning to Love | 75 | Growing in Grace |
26 | Masturbation isn’t in the Bible | 76 | The Goal |
27 | Come to Me | 77 | How Does God Speak |
28 | When Your Heart is Hard | 78 | Why Do I Feel Rotten? |
29 | Running the Wheel | 79 | Time is Short |
30 | Finding Comfort | 80 | Obedience |
31 | Will You Make it Out of the Gate? | 81 | What We’re Thirsty For |
32 | The Other Side of Defeat | 82 | The Challenge, Part 1 |
33 | Dealing with Trials | 83 | The Challenge, Part 2 |
34 | Soul Poison | 84 | Festal Robes |
35 | Pulling the Cords Apart | 85 | Keep Your Guard Up! |
36 | The Martha Syndrome | 86 | The Road Narrows |
37 | The Blessing of Suffering | 87 | Breaking Strongholds |
38 | Dousing the Sparks | 88 | What Are You Feeding On? |
39 | After a Fall | 89 | Who Can You Encourage Today? |
40 | The Hardest Battle | 90 | Restoring the Fallen |
41 | Cleansing from Shame | 91 | Choked |
42 | Righteous Fear | 92 | Pray As You Go |
43 | Unrighteous Fear | 93 | In the Potter’s Hands |
44 | By My Spirit | 94 | The Next Generation |
45 | Joseph | 95 | How to Honor God |
46 | Your Party Awaits | 96 | Are You Resting? |
47 | Seeking Him | 97 | God |
48 | Finding Him | 98 | Your Will Be Done |
49 | The Terror of Intimacy | 99 | Don’t Waste Your Life! |
50 | His Wounds | 100 | Setting Your Mind On Eternity |