Porn Addiction Recovery

Blazing Grace is a Christ-centered ministry for those who want freedom from porn & sex addiction - through the new life God offers. We also provide support and help for wives. Breaking Free

Books to Break Free

Mike Genung’s books offer life-changing answers that focus on the heart.

Blazing Grace Books
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Sex Addiction Counseling

For Men, Women, and Couples

Blazing Grace Radio

Equipping Overcomers in a Pornified World

Blazing Grace Radio airs in:

  • Phoenix, AZ on 1360AM Faithtalk, 3:00PM, Fridays.
  • Las Vegas, NV on KKVV 1060AM, 3:30PM, Mondays.

Listen to all the shows now on our Podcast Page, or listen to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or iHeartRadio.

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  • Listen on Spotify
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Current Episodes

The 7 Churches

Recorded: Oct 07, 2024

Jesus confronted 70% of the 7 churches He addressed in Revelation 2 and 3. Just because a church has a gifted communicator for a pastor, a big building, or all Read More

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Recent Posts from Blazing Grace

Join Us for Our Next Night of Prayer

September 13, 2024

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” Acts 1:14 “And they devoted themselves to Read More

Wives, You are Jael

September 6, 2024

The warfare against the wife who is reeling from sexual sin in her marriage is intense. The enemy comes at her heart from multiple angles. We hear many stories of Read More

Colonel Nails, and the Power of a Wife

August 30, 2024

It’s 2005 and a new guy has walked into our men’s group for recovery from porn/sex addiction in Colorado Springs. He’s dressed in army fatigues and boots. His hair is Read More

About the Rogue Christian

The Rogue Christian

God’s people can sense it; we’re losing our country. Sexual depravity is everywhere, the occult has gone mainstream, suicide rates are rising, and mass shootings are commonplace. Our nation is divided in a cultural civil war, and Christians are the enemy.

Yet, most churches rarely discuss these issues openly, let alone act as if there’s a problem outside their doors.

Mike Genung’s new book The Rogue Christian takes a hard look at where we are today, explores the root causes of why the church has lost its salt, and provides the biblical action steps every believer can take to spark the spiritual awakening that will turn the church and our country around.

Recent Posts from The Rogue Christian

  • The Musings of the Rogue Christian September 30, 2024
    The Bible is a book of war. From Genesis 3 when Satan comes on the scene as a snake, through the book of Revelation, when Jesus comes and wipes out his enemies, the human race is in an intense war with an adversary who comes Read More The post The Musings of the Rogue Christian […]
  • The 7 Churches September 20, 2024
    “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands, says this: ‘I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate Read More The post The 7 Churches appeared first on […]
  • Trials Turned to Gold August 23, 2024
    “He’s brought me here, where things are clear And trials turn to gold He shared with me, His victory He won in days of old… He’s brought me low, so I could know The way to reach the heights To forsake my dreams, my self Read More The post Trials Turned to Gold appeared first […]

Blazing Grace Europe

Mike Genung has spoken in churches across Europe and the UK; our office in Italy ships Mike’s books in German, Italian, and English.

Blazing Grace Europe

About Our Europe Office

From Porn to Grace Conference

Our From Porn to Grace conference is a one day event with breakouts that provides the path to healing and recovery for men, wives, and teens, while providing your church with the training they need to equip their flocks. This is a great way to have a significant impact in your church or community in an area that many are struggling with.

Host a Conference

Blazing Grace Icon

Today’s surveys show that 66%-70% of Christian men and 30% of Christian women are viewing pornography, putting marriages and families at risk. One recent survey showed that half of Christians approve of premarital sex, and sexting is prevalent in our youth. The church is reeling from sexual sin, yet God’s people are rarely given effective answers on these topics on Sunday morning. Blazing Grace offers a wide range of resources, including Mike Genung’s books, courses for men and wives, prayer groups, counseling, the Blazing Grace Radio Show, retreats, forums, and the large volume of content you’ll find on this site. Want to offer answers and healing to your church or community? Consider hosting one of our From Porn to Grace Conferences

We place as much emphasis on the wife as we do the husband; her journey to healing is just as critical as his road to freedom. Because most men get hooked on porn at the age of 8, we offer a group for youth and teens; it’s critical that we equip our youth for the battles they face. 

We encourage the church to talk openly about sexual issues as is done in the Bible. Mike Genung has given the Sunday morning message in churches in the US, the UK, and Europe, led conferences, retreats, and training seminars for pastors and ministry leaders and is available to speak at your organization.  

Blazing Grace is an international ministry to the sexually broken and the spouse. In addition to our home office in Chandler, Arizona, we have ministry partners and offices in the UK and Europe, and have had participants in our groups from North America, the Pacific Rim, and South America. 

Event Schedule

  • New Events Coming Soon Dates TBD

Please contact us for more information or to schedule an event to have Mike Genung speak at your church or organization.

See our From Porn to Grace conference page for information.

What people are saying...

The immediate change in our lives was incredible. We have both grown so much closer to each other like never before. We have both grown close to Christ as well.- Mathew

I've been in tears the past couple of days reading your book. I feel so refreshed, so renewed in God.- Reader

Mike Genung's books have been a life changing help to many people here in Europe.- Phil PÖschl, Chairman of Safer Surfing, Austria

Mike illustrates how important it is for a sexually addicted person (actually for anyone) to accept God's grace in one's life. Understanding and embracing this grace will bring the healing of those wounds which are often the basis for sexual addiction.- Dan Wiens, Director, Liberati,Cristo, Italy

I am very proud of the way Mike has given his life to helping the men, wives, and marriages impacted by porn and sex addiction. He has been there and found a way to connect with those he helps on a deep level.- Dr. Douglas Weiss, Ph.D and counselor

I am on my second reading of The Road to Grace. Your observations and presentation of scripture, give me great hope and show me a direction I can believe. My wife appreciated the section for wives, which helped her see that she is "normal" in her responses, and gave her hope that the struggle will get easier.- Gaylon

Mike Genung is a talented writer and powerful speaker; he is able to put thoughts and insights into words in an easy, friendly and powerful way. If you have not read his book The Road to Grace I highly recommend it. He speaks to the heart of the issue of sexual addiction. He’s a vulnerable author with great insight and offers words of wisdom to those broken by the sin of sexual addiction. - Barbra Styles - Certified Spiritual Director
One Soul to Another

Mike Genung’s book The Road to Grace describes the inner conflict, the self-deception, the struggle, the right and the wrong turns we take when dealing with our own feelings and desires. It shows us in a realistic way how to fight for our freedom. It is a powerful book that aims to increase awareness and will inspire and encourage you. - Dr. Dominik Batthyány, Psychotherapist & Director
Institute for Behavioral Addictions - Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria

Your ministry writes the absolute best articles on this topic. To the point and no nonsense. Thank you for your work - Nita W

I love the way Mike writes and speaks; direct and to the point and to my heart. It’s so comforting and reassuring to hear that someone understands and I am not a crazy woman over this mess, especially coming from a man. I am so encouraged! It’s incredibly refreshing to have a man call out other men for their unholy and inexcusable behavior. Really can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do, not just with our marriage, but all of our circumstances.- An Anonymous Wife

Mike’s book “The Wife’s Heart” was an answer to my prayers and came into my hands at the perfect time. I had no idea my husband’s addiction would affect me so badly nor did I know how to help heal myself. I was being triggered multiple times a day and trying to take care of my little ones in the midst of all this. This book guided me through steps I needed to take in order to start healing. It taught me how to set boundaries which was a big step for me in starting to heal. The chapters on boundaries, and triggers really spoke to me. I love how it focuses on God and gives scripture quotes to guide you through your healing process. Thank you Mike for thinking of us wives.- An Anonymous Wife

As I read your email newsletter today I remember why I take the time to review the articles and pay attention to your thoughts. They are well written, always strong on education and seem to have a personal touch that others do not. Please keep up the good work and continue to bring us your powerful newsletters.- Rick Kardos, National Director the Nathan Project