Price each: $16.95
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Dimensions: 7 x 10 x .340”
Paperback: 165 pages
ISBN–13: 978-1-7323128-0-7
Printed in USA
Discover the Blessing of Journaling
For the hurting wife who is coping with her husband’s porn and adultery, it’s critical that she is able to consistently express her pain, anger, and confusion. The Wife’s Heart Journal provides you with a great way to open your heart to God. Each page includes a quote from Scripture or one of Mike Genung’s books, with plenty of space for writing out your thoughts, feelings, and impressions—and what God is saying to you. Use the journal as a standalone, or as a writing companion as you read through The Wife’s Heart; Healing from Your Husband’s Porn Addiction and Adultery.
If you’re a hurting wife who is trying to cope with and heal from your husband’s porn and adultery, expressing your heart is a critical part of your journey. Keeping the pain, anger, discouragement, and all those “why?!” questions bottled up inside leads to an emotional meltdown.
Journaling is one of the best ways to express your heart. Journaling…
- Is safe. No one will judge you for unleashing the torrent of your anger, pain, and frustration.
- Is freeing. You can allow all of what’s in your heart to flow in these pages without restraint.
- Provides clarity and wisdom. God can reveal new insights about Him, you, others, or your situation. You’ll have a written record to look back on of what He said to you, which will help when your way isn’t clear or is rocky and you need something to hold on to.
- Provides comfort. Remembering that the Lord has spoken to you in a deeply personal way and is with you brings the comforting assurance of His love and care.
- Draws you closer to God. To journal is to pray to Him; entering His presence by the pen of your heart (“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you,” James 4:8).
- Provides release of pain, anger, and other emotional trauma. Journaling to God releases the flood of emotions that have been trapped in your heart.
- Uncovers rooms in your heart you didn’t know were there, or that might have been closed. As you open your heart to God in writing, He can show you places that might need healing or a touch from Him in other ways.
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