Ravi Z and the 95%, and More News

Posted: Jun 11, 2020

Recently I stumbled onto a 2 minute video of Ravi Zacharias. In it he shares:

* His experience sitting at a table of wives whose husbands had been addicted to pornography since childhood, and how it had ruined the men.

* Ravi told the story of when he spoke at a theological seminary. He gave a brief, challenging message on how porn would destroy the men’s lives, and was stunned to see that 95% of the men came forward asking for help. Ravi said he’d never seen a response like that in all his years of travel where that many young men who were preparing to go into ministry were flat on their faces crying out to God.

* Ravi also stated how he didn’t understand why people would get hooked on porn as compared to an adulterous affair.

You can watch the video here:

95%. Of pastors in the making. Think of the ramifications of an isolated church such as we have today where such massive numbers are in bondage to this sin, yet so many in church leadership will barely touch the issue. No wonder we’ve lost our salt and are losing our country.

Information like this should force us to action, such as:

* Getting help, if you’re in bondage or are married to a spouse who is.

* Falling on our knees and crying out to God for mercy and repentance, and boldly facing our sin as a church. We’re getting close to the point where if we don’t have revival all that’s left will be a complete moral collapse.

* Starting a support group for men or wives. We can help you with this.

* Telling your pastor about the problem and what he can do about it.

* Setting up one of our From Porn to Grace conferences where we fly out to lead it.

If you’re in bondage to pornography or other sexual sin, or are a hurting spouse, please contact us for help. We offer groups, counseling, and retreats, along with my books on freedom and healing from porn and adultery for men and wives.


Last Saturday, on the Blazing Grace Facebook page, I posted the following:

I challenge every church that meets during their weekend service to put their flock on their knees every weekend moving forward, to cry out to God for mercy and revival until we have it. Every believer must be on their knees every day in repentance and intercession for our country.

The time for sermons and talk about revival is long past. We must take the action steps God has called us to and become houses of prayer where His people confess their sins to each other and pray for each other.  (2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 56:7, James 5:16). 

We’ve had upwards of 1000 responses in various forms. God’s people are looking for leadership. We must go from performance-driven church services to one that puts the flock on their knees and gets people opening up about their struggles and sins. We have more teachers and knowledge than good sense; we need leaders who are willing to shepherd their people out of their comfort zones and into doing the things we’re commanded in Scripture that will make a difference.


Our next Couples Retreat will be held August 6-9 in Beulah, Colorado. This is for couples who want to take their healing journey from porn and adultery to another level.

There is a maximum of 6 couples that can attend, and we still have some spaces available. I will be leading it, along with Sandy England. See https://www.blazinggrace.org/couples-retreat/ for more information.